Bye bye birdie
JoinedTopics Started by Bye bye birdie
JW.Org Blitz
by Theredeemer ini've noticed, partilcularly on instagram, a advertising blitz for by the dubs.
primarily its the younger ones 35 and under vs older ones.
i dont know if its just my friends or everyone but they are obsessed with
The GB gives awakened JW's 2 choices.
by BU2B inthis is classic damned if you do, damned if you dont.. the choice is.
1. be a hypocrite.
i just came to the realization that those of us still in and who know ttatt have only 2choices.
If I was God..
by jam inif i was god how would i have created man so he wouldn't sin..
i may lose some of you here, but stick with me.. ok, god gave us a conscious but sometimes our conscious can.
List of false cause/effect relationships the WTS has asserted
by OneEyedJoe inthe recent thread on the expirimental physicist, where they strongly imply that evolution is taught only as a part of some grand atheist agenda, got me thinking.
once you really step back and look at it, there are a lot of cause/effect relationships that are presented by the wts that are completely false, or at least very misleading.
atheism caused the theory of evolution to gain prominence.. "the corruption of christendom is the leading cause of atheism" (heard at the recent convention at least twice).
by doneandout inour last midweek meeting was going along as planed, then after the last talk, an elder was called up to say: member x is no longer a jw, please sing.... after the song it was silent (compared to todays were people started talk right away) and the father had his head down with someones hand on his back.
i didn't catch what they were saying, but the pose said: i'm sorry for your loss.. it was a weird night thinking how leaving a religion could couse such sadnness..
Why are 'most' of the people fighting in the Middle East MEN???
by NAVYTOWN init seems that in every war or revolution, 'most' of the participants are men and young boys.
aside from the occasional female suicide bomber.
does this have something to do with their religion and/ or cultural traditions?
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad
by God_Delusion inhi guys and gals!.
i've just put the finishing touches to my latest article, which talks about the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.. you see, i've always been fascinated with the tree of knowledge and the tree of life.
both are incredibly weird stories.
Crazy things JW inlaws said
by Bye bye birdie inhere is one... my mil told me according to a co talk that she heard jehovah could strike you dead when he is executing judgement based on the clothing you are wearing.
she was mad at the moment of skirts that were above the knee on me and her friend.. i said to her two things:.
1) i hope i am not in the tub during this predicament.. 2) i thought jehovah read hearts?.
Wikipedia... JW Editing
by Poztate inthere must be a lot of jw's out there with time on their hands.
look where the topic of jw's comes it at with the all time top 100 edited pages.